2017年5月2日 星期二

DSE企業會計財務概論科BAFS卷一精讀:HK business environment香港營商環境(2)


Factors That Aay Affect Business Decisons 影響商業決定的因素

- Economic 經濟
 including rent,wage level,inflation and interest rate 包括租金,工資水平,通脹及利率

- technological 科技
 including telecommunication development 包括地區的電信發展程度

- physical 自然地理
 including the physical environment,amount of resources and pollution 包括自然環境,資源數量及污染

- socio-cultural 社會文化
 including ages distribution,people's taste preference and huaman capital 包括地區的年齡分佈,市民的口味及市民的人力資本

- political 政治
 including stability 包括地區的穩定程度         (動亂為政治因素)

- legal 法律
 including robustness of the legal system 包括地區法律體制的穩健程度

Different International Trade Organizations 不同國際貿易組織

                                                 亞太經濟合作組織                                       世界貿易組織
                              Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operaion(APEC)       World Trade (WTO)

disputes 解決紛爭                                                                                             ✔

Holding forum for
trade negotiations                                                                                              ✔

Technical assistance
技術援助                                           ✔                                                           ✔

In order to achieve
efficiency提高效能                           ✔

Reduce trade barriers
減少貿易壁壘                                                                                                 ✔

Cooperate with other
international organizations
與其他國際組織合作                                                                                     ✔


Globalization 全球一體化

Definition of globalization:
- cultural, political , social ,economic and technological integration
- interaction and integration among the people and companies in different nations

- 文化、政治、社會、經濟、科技等等方面的交流融合,促使各國公司、人們開始互相融合及互相依賴

Affects of  Globalization 全球化的影響

- keen competition 更激烈的比賽
- outsourcing 外判
- inflow and outflow of capital  資金流入及流出
- expanding market to other countries 擴大市場
- technology exchange 技術交流

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排

- launched in 2003      於2003年簽訂

- reduce or eliminate tariffs and non-tariff barriers on substantially all the trade in goods between the two sides        
- achieve liberalization of trade in services through reduction or elimination of substantially all discriminatory measures     
- facilitate trade and investment        促進貿易投資



DSE企業會計與財務概論BAFS卷一精讀:Introduction to Accounting 會計導論


Accounting cycle會計週期

Source documents  交易憑證
purchases journal 購貨簿/ 
sales journal 銷貨簿/
returns inwards journal 銷貨退回簿/
returns outwards journal 購貨退出簿/
cash book 現金簿/
the general journal 日記簿
Accounts payable ledgers 應付賬目分類賬簿 /
Accounts receivable ledgers 應收賬目分類賬簿/       (留意格式total for the month)
General Ledger 總分類賬簿
Trial Balance 試算表                   (只有opening inventory在試算表內,clsoing不在)
Year-end adjustment 更正及調整
Financial statements 財務報表 ,including
income statement 利潤表 and balance sheet 資產負債表


Function of books of original entry and ledgers 原始分錄簿的功能

- more efficent control over the debtors and creditors' accounts 更有效控制債主及債仔的賬目
- checking errors 檢查是否有出錯

Discounts 折扣

Trade discount 商業折扣
- for attracting bulky purchases 鼓勵大量購貨

Cash discounts 現金折扣
- for encouraging debtors to repay within a certain period 鼓勵在一段時間內還錢

(商業折扣并無account,只有Cash discounts 有,另外要留意只有購貨才會有現金折扣,資產如家具等等,是沒有Cash discounts 的)

Uses of Financial Statements 財務報表使用

- owners 企業所有人
 to decide whether keep on operate the business or not 決定是否營運企業

- potential investors 潛在投資人
 to see the whether the business is worth-investing or not and make investment decisions 分析該企業是否值得投資及作出投資決定

- mangers 經理
 to make business decision 作業務決策

- creditors 債權人
 to check whether the business is capable of  repaying loan or not and decide whether lend it money 查看還款能力及決定是否借錢予該企業

Limitation of Financial Statement

- only invovle past events 只顯示過去的事件
- different accounting policies used 企業採用不同的會計政策
- no qualitative information 缺乏定性的資料
- involve personal judgement 報表內含會計師的個人判斷


DSE企業會計與財務概論BAFS卷一精讀:Accounting Concept會計原則

基本的Accounting Concept有13個,其中有10個比較常問:

1) Going Concern Concept 繼續經營原則

- a business continues to operate in the foreseeable future 企業在可預見的將來仍繼續運營
- under this assumption , the assets are shown at cost or net book value , but not market value(unless it is going to liquidate)  在此假設下,資產在財務報表上應顯示成本或帳面凈值,而並非市場價值(除非企業將不會繼續運營)

2) Matching Concept 配合原則

- expenses are recognized when the related revenues are recognized 收益應與產生該收益相關之費用在同一會計期間內入賬
- Net profit = Revenue - expense  淨利=收入-支出

(題目字眼有expense很大可能是Matching Concept)

3) Realization Concept 實現概念

- revenue are recorded only when goods are sold or services are rendered  收益應於售出貨品或提供服務時入賬.

(題目字眼有revenue很大可能是Realization Concept)

4)Prudence Concept 穩健保守原則

- do not overestimate the amount of expenses or revenue until it is realised 不應高估一些未實現的收入,除非已經確認

(Allowance for doubtful debts呆賬準備正正運用此concept)

5) Consistency concept  一貫原則

-  accounting policies adopted must be applied on a continual basis  會計政策應保持一貫
- cannot change without reasonable grounds 不應改用,除非有合理理由

6) Accrual concept 應計原則

-  revenue and expenses are recorded when they are earned or incurred, not when they are received or paid 收益與費用應在其賺取及實際發生時記錄,並非在現今收付時

7) Historical Cost Concept 歷史成本原則

- assets and expenses should be entered into the books in their actual cost 資產及費用入賬時應按實際成本記錄
- change of market value is neglected 市值的變化不用作理會

8) Business Entity Concept 企業個體原則

- a business is an entity separate from its owner and all other parties 企業為一個個體與其持有人及所有其他個體分開


9) Objectivity 客觀性原則

- financial information is free from bias 財務資料應沒有偏見
- recorded based on documentary evidence eg.invoice 入賬賬目應有書面證明

10) Materiality Concept重要性原則

- separately disclose the items in financial statement that are important to decision making 分開記錄重要的項目

(大多數item為non-current assets)


11) Stable Monetary Measures

- change of purchasing power of money is ignored
- each accounting transaction is expressed in dollars and has a constant value

12) Timeliness 及時性原則

- information is provided in time for decision making
- information must be offered ina timely basis

13) Quantifiability 可量化性

- transctions are recorded in terms of money



2017年4月24日 星期一

DSE企業會計財務概論科BAFS卷一精讀:HK business environment香港營商環境(1)

BAFS文字題一向非常重要,只要肯背就有必定有分執,決定了能否摘星或更上一層樓,以下就是一些營商環境一定要知+背的 concept!!

HK economy change 香港經濟轉變

entrepôt→industrial centre→international financial centre


Economic sectors 三大產業

primary production 第一產業: direct extraction of natural resource 原材料開採
secondary production 第二產業 : turn raw materials into semi-finished or finished goods 將原材料加工製作成產品
tertiary production 第三產業 : Provision of services 提供服務

importance of HK businesses 香港商業重要性

- source of government revenue 政府收入來源(稅收)
- provision of goods and services 提供商品及服務
- provision of employment opportunies 提供就業機會
- increase of overall productivity 提高生產力
- improvement of standard of living 提高生活素質

Characteristics of HK economy 香港經濟特質

- lack pf primary industries 缺少第一產業
(試過有mock mc問是否lack of primary+secondary industries,但secondary不在syllabus內,故不正確)
- tertiary industry is realatively important 第三產業較重要
- many SMEs 較多中小企
- simple taxation system 簡單稅制
- relying on external trade 依賴對外貿易
- free trade 自由貿易(小政府,大市場)

Four pillar industries 香港四大支柱產業

- trading and logistics 貿易物流行業 (香港最大的trade partner是內地)
- financial services 金融服務業
- professional and producer services 專業服務及其他生產性服務
- tourism 旅遊業 (但其實只佔香港約5%GDP

Six priority industries 六大優勢產業

- cutural and creative industries 文化及創意業
- education 教育業
-  innovation and technology 創新科技業
- medical technology 醫療業
- environmental industry 環保業
-  testing and certification services 檢測及認證業



DSE企業會計財務概論科BAFS卷一精讀:HK business environment香港營商環境(2)

延續番之前未完待續的香港營商環境~~ 2.1 Factors That Aay Affect Business Decisons 影響商業決定的因素 - Economic 經濟  including rent,wage level,inflation and inte...