2017年5月2日 星期二

DSE企業會計與財務概論BAFS卷一精讀:Introduction to Accounting 會計導論


Accounting cycle會計週期

Source documents  交易憑證
purchases journal 購貨簿/ 
sales journal 銷貨簿/
returns inwards journal 銷貨退回簿/
returns outwards journal 購貨退出簿/
cash book 現金簿/
the general journal 日記簿
Accounts payable ledgers 應付賬目分類賬簿 /
Accounts receivable ledgers 應收賬目分類賬簿/       (留意格式total for the month)
General Ledger 總分類賬簿
Trial Balance 試算表                   (只有opening inventory在試算表內,clsoing不在)
Year-end adjustment 更正及調整
Financial statements 財務報表 ,including
income statement 利潤表 and balance sheet 資產負債表


Function of books of original entry and ledgers 原始分錄簿的功能

- more efficent control over the debtors and creditors' accounts 更有效控制債主及債仔的賬目
- checking errors 檢查是否有出錯

Discounts 折扣

Trade discount 商業折扣
- for attracting bulky purchases 鼓勵大量購貨

Cash discounts 現金折扣
- for encouraging debtors to repay within a certain period 鼓勵在一段時間內還錢

(商業折扣并無account,只有Cash discounts 有,另外要留意只有購貨才會有現金折扣,資產如家具等等,是沒有Cash discounts 的)

Uses of Financial Statements 財務報表使用

- owners 企業所有人
 to decide whether keep on operate the business or not 決定是否營運企業

- potential investors 潛在投資人
 to see the whether the business is worth-investing or not and make investment decisions 分析該企業是否值得投資及作出投資決定

- mangers 經理
 to make business decision 作業務決策

- creditors 債權人
 to check whether the business is capable of  repaying loan or not and decide whether lend it money 查看還款能力及決定是否借錢予該企業

Limitation of Financial Statement

- only invovle past events 只顯示過去的事件
- different accounting policies used 企業採用不同的會計政策
- no qualitative information 缺乏定性的資料
- involve personal judgement 報表內含會計師的個人判斷




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